It's the equinoctial week in spring. The equinox is a total of 7 days, 3 days before and after the vernal equinox day and the autumn equinox day.
It's the equinoctial week in spring. The equinoctial week is a traditional Buddhist event that gives thanks to nature and ancestors. The image of
It's the equinoctial week in spring. kamome Terrace Then, for a limited time on the spring equinoctial week, 🐻🐷🐤 3 kinds of cute animal mousses
kamome Terrace Then, we will sell 4 kinds of popular fried bread series according to the equinoctial week ✨ ✨ ✨ Please take this opportunity to try
Spring is the season when you need a gift, such as graduation / admission, transfer / start of a new life, etc. 😊 In such a case kamome Terrace Mad
kamome Terrace Then, [ March-May] New cake Appears 💖 3 types with abundant variations such as mousse cake and mille crêpes 🥰 Enjoy the popular 🍓